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No Faith in Heaven

There is no faith in heaven. That's what my husband told me after his men's groupt one morning. I had to have him repeat that while I thought about it and then I asked him to explain. I wanted to hear what he heard.

Very simply put, we don't need faith when we get to heaven. Everything will be clear to us. We don't have to have faith because we will be face to face with Jesus. With His beautiful Mother Mary, all the choirs of angels, the saints and our guardian angel, who stayed by our side during our entire lifetime.

Isn't that awesome? All the faith we had while on earth, suddenly, not needed. God is there. He is real. Heaven is for real. Joy, happiness, LOVE!

I am not in any hurry, but I really cannot wait. Let's pray for each other. Lord, we believe, help our unbelief.

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.

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