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Not Just a Life Preserver

A priest friend of mine once gave me a blessing and he asked Jesus to tie a rope around His waist and around mine and to tie the most secure knot - that way I would always be connected to Jesus, as long as I didn't untie my end! I cannot live without Jesus. He is not just a life preserver I use when I am drowning in this crazy life of mine, He is the source of life I must continually be connected to in order to survive from day to day, as a baby in the womb is connected to his mother by the umbilical cord.

This morning I was not feeling well and did not want to leave the comfort of my bed; and had it not been for my great desire to be united with Jesus, I would still be laying in bed, half asleep. So I dragged myself out of bed, still trying to talk myself into returning, showered and dressed and got ready to go.

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, it was not going to happen and that is where my life began to end today. As I said, I cannot live without Jesus and so each time I cannot receive Him - body, blood, soul and divinity - I feel weaker, less able to face the daily challenges that are a great part of my life.

Yes, I can pray and believe me, I do pray throughout the day. But, Mass is the greatest prayer on earth and when I cannot participate in the Mass, the wind is knocked out of me. I feel less alive and I struggle much more than is necessary. I know some people understand how that feels, but I also know many who have no idea why it's a big deal.

My body is host to more illnesses than I care to recount and just for fun, I also endure many odd dysfunctions - once I got an infection called a "felon" - a painful infection in my finger that required emergency medical care - it felt much more like satan. I don't know why these things happen and it doesn't matter, they are mere blips in my life, but they do at least afford me the opportunity to make an offering to Jesus and that's fine by me. It was one of these such blips that had me at the doctor's office one day. I have a great doctor and he has seen me through so many strange medical issues. He asked me one time if my parish priest did exorcisms and when I asked him why, he looked at me and said he thought I needed one! He is a good Christian man, though not Catholic, so when he asked me one day where I would be if I wasn't going to Mass daily and receiving Jesus, I was a little surprised, but looked at him and said, "I'd be dead." He looked back at me and agreed. This non-Catholic, who thinks I need an exorcism to rid me of these endless health issues, believes receiving Jesus in the Eucharist daily is the only thing keeping me going.

I wholeheartedly agree.

When I walk into Church to attend Mass, adoration or even just walking through, my heart rejoices. I can feel myself drawn to the tabernacle or the monstrance and there is nothing more important. Nothing I would rather be doing, but spending that time there with Jesus.

I pray one day everyone can have the desire to receive Jesus daily in the Blessed Sacrament, to desire to spend time with Him and fall in love. What a world we would live in if that happened!

Life preservers are great, but they are not the way to sustain a good life.

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